Edwards County FFA Livestock Judging Team Stayed Busy in April

(Edwards County) — Throughout April, members of the Edwards County FFA Livestock Judging team have competed at four events. According to Edwards County High School Ag Instructor and FFA Advisor, Michelle Wiseman, on April 6th, members competed in Joliet IL at the Joliet Junior College Livestock Judging event. Then, members competed in the Section 23 Livestock Judging CDE held on April 12th. On April 17th, members competed at Murray State Field Day and the team placed 5th overall. Finally, members competed in the Illinois State Livestock Judging CDE. Members of the team included Aly Williams, JW Simms-Reisner, Gabe Wyatt, Cali Bunting, Chase Shelton, Shiloh Beadles, Chloe Iles, Grace McCarty, Cody Greathouse, and Quentin Pike.