Wayne City Village Board Meeting

The Wayne City Village Board convened for a 35-minute meeting on Monday before entering an executive session. During the meeting, discussion on the old hotel was postponed due to ongoing litigation. The board approved a $362,021.50 contract with Hogan Inc. for maintenance on the village water tower. They also decided to delay the transfer of the Mary Neff property because of deed and property line complications stemming from a 1990s land swap. The bid to acquire the former Shell Mart was awarded to JLKH Property of WC LLC for $30,000, a decision made unanimously. Regarding infrastructure, the board is progressing with its road work plan, including milling and potential future road improvements, and is looking into accumulating a rock stockpile for these projects. Additionally, they are seeking quotes for a grader. The board is also facing challenges in securing services for brickwork needed on village buildings, with specific difficulties in getting contractor Jim Barker from McLeansboro. In new business, Mark Dinsmore from Country Financial reviewed the village’s employee health, dental, and vision insurance. With health insurance premiums rising by about $800, the board explored other insurance providers, aiming to finalize decisions by June 3rd for policies starting July 1st. This matter was tabled for further discussion. Appropriations for both the village and ambulance service were unanimously approved. A contentious debate arose over the transfer of a vehicle to Police Chief Anson Fenton, originally seized by him and later purchased from a towing company. Stephen Buxton vocally opposed the transfer, labeling it unethical and dishonest. Despite the controversy, the board voted down the transfer, with uncertainties remaining about the vehicle’s ownership. Finally, the board agreed to sign a promissory note with the National Rural Water Association for a $200,000 loan at 3% interest over 10 years. The board spent just over an hour in executive session, concluding without any actions taken.