Fairfield Grade School District Board Of Education meeting Recap From Last Thursday











The Fairfield Grade School District #112 Board of Education met last Thursday night.  During the Superintendant’s Report, the district has received 92 percent of its anticipated revenue and expended 83 percent of the FY24 budget.   The food service balance is $286,705.65.  In the transportation report, summer maintenance continues of the buses and preparing the fleet for the upcoming school year.  Also, the district is still seeking bus drivers.


Under the tuition policy, waivers are no longer required if asdopted in the board policy.  The board set the meeting dates for FY25 and the board approved the interagency Food Service agreement with Geff and St. Joe in Olney.  Registration and fees have been set for the upcoming year; Registration is $40, Technology is $20 and Bussing is $80.  These are the same as in previous years.


The district will have a School Resource Officer beginning in August. The district has a 3- year agreement with the city for an SRO. Daniel Hopper from the Mt. Carmel Police Department has been named as the SRO. His office will be at Center Street, however he will be present in both buildings. He has a daughter who will be attending North Side in third grade.

Following Closed Session the following action items were taken:


The Board approved the extended days for Stacey Robbins.


The board accepted the resignation of Laura Zurliene as 5th/6th

basketball coach.


The board accepted the resignation of Lauren Eckleberry as paraprofessional.


The board accepted the resignation of Angie Hout as Assistant Softball Coach.


The board employed John Wicker as band teacher.


The board employed Brittany Titzer as JV Girl’s Basketball Coach.


The Board employed Stevey Ukena as Pep Club Sponsor.


The board employed Deanna Downen, Kristi Paul, Jodi Robinson,

Kamberlyn White, Caitlin Herald and Nichole McKitrick as

paraprofessionals for FY25.


The Board employed Morgan Bowers as nurse.


The board employed Mike Hart as part-time custodian.


The board acted on the Collective Bargaining Agreement and MOU for

in-house substitute.


The board approved the substitute rates for FY25: Parapro Sub: $113


Sub Teacher: $123  and  Certified Teacher Sub: $133


The board approved the hourly wages of custodians, bus drivers,

secretaries and nurses.