Fairfield Business and Professional Women Scholarship Foundation Winners









The Fairfield BPW Scholarship Foundation has awarded eight scholarships for 2024 -2025 . Each scholarship is valued at $2000. There are four graduating senior girls and four mature women receiving them this year totaling $16,000.

High School recipients are;

Cecilia Choate from Wayne City High School attending the University of Southern Indiana for Dental Hygiene.

Riata Williams from Wayne City High School attending Frontier Community College for Associate in Nursing.

Lainie Clark from Fairfield High School attending Eastern Illinois University for English Education.

Baylee Biggs from Fairfield High School attending Murray State University for Speech Therapist.

Mature Women recipients are;

Kalen Williams attending Frontier Community College for Nursing.

Rebecca Young attending Frontier Community College for Nursing.

Lily Simpson attending the University of Southern Indiana for Accounting.

Abra Slover attending Frontier Community College for Nursing Degree Registered Nurse-First Assistant.