Burnt Hill Cattle Company is teaming up with University of Illinois Extension to host the second of four twilight meetings at their farm on Monday, June 12, at 6 p.m. Extension Educators have partnered with area farmers over the past nine years to provide evening “twilight meetings” to highlight and demonstrate diverse farming enterprises across southern Illinois.
Logan and Jessa Karcher manage the fourth-generation family farm raising grass-fed, grain-finished beef, grass-finished lamb, and pastured pork and poultry on 80 acres. They use various methods and an adaptive approach to manage their diverse property.
Throughout the evening, Logan and Jessa will discuss the importance of adaptive management and regenerative practices for healthy, productive soils. Anyone interested in learning more about regenerative agriculture, multispecies grazing, and marketing in southern Illinois is encouraged to attend and capitalize on this on-farm learning and networking opportunity.
There is no cost to attend this in-person program, but pre-registration is appreciated. To register online, visit go.illinois.edu/2023twilightseries. To register by phone, call (618) 695-2441.