
White County Supervisor of Assessments Clarify’s Senior Exemption Yearly Renewal Elimination

By Tony Collins Jun 23, 2023 | 6:09 AM

Supervisor of Assessments for White County Gary Baxley says he wants to provide some clarity after receiving several concerned phone calls following last week’s White County Board meeting.

In the report, the board approved the elimination of the yearly renewal of Senior Homestead exemptions. Baxley says he has been receiving some calls from folks concerned that the exemption had been done away with. Rather, Baxley says, he has worked to make it simpler for residents of White County in that “once a resident reaches the age of 65 which qualifies for the exemption, they’ll be able to stop by the Assessor’s office, sign an application, and then they’ll be qualified annually without the need to renew.” If they already have the exemption, there will be nothing more for them to do. If the senior has a total household income of less than $65,000, they will also qualify for the Senior Freeze. However, that exemption will have to be renewed each year providing the income is below $65,000. He says he feels it will not only be more convenient for seniors, but it will also be less paperwork and less expense for the county.

If you have questions about your Senior Homestead or Senior Freeze exemptions, reach out to the White County Supervisor of Assessor’s office directly at 618-382-2332, Extension 6 between 8 am and 4 pm.