The Wayne County Board met in regular session last night for their monthly meeting.
Southern 14 Workforce Director Pam Barbee addressed the board, providing an overview of their program which assists with job training and job placement. The board later approved their Allocated Grant application.
Office Reports:
Highway Department- approved a Local Public Agency Engineering Services Agreement for Federal Construction for a road project from Rt. 15 north to Orchardville. The project will alleviate water pooling on the roadway.
Circuit Clerk- Circuit Clerk Pam Southard announced that the new downstairs courtroom was being used after a major construction project.
Sheriff- Sheriff Chris Otey announced that the jail population was at 38 with 34 being capacity. Temporary mats are being used to handle the overflow inmates. The Sheriff stated that their ongoing Meth Blitz has been very successful and will continue. With schools soon being in session, the Sheriffs Department will be conducting active shooter training at each Wayne County School. The Corrections staff has been undergoing advanced training, with a new Cell Extraction Team being formed. He also updated the board that the new AC chiller has been installed and is online.
County Clerk- County Clerk Lizann Woodrow advised the board that she had received grants totaling $33,000. The funds will be used for election security, including cyber security.
Health Department- Jeff Jake updated the board on a recent inspection of the landfill. Jake stated that Republic does a great job in monitoring and maintaining the property and it is inspected 4 times per year.
The board approved a bid of $36,515 for a new roof on the lobby and entrance to the courthouse. The same company currently working on the courthouse project will be doing the work.
Liquor Commissioner Daryl Hargrave announced that the Liquor License fee must be paid on time or the Sheriff will be instructed to close alcohol sales and gambling at the unlicensed business.
Rodney Legg was reappointed to a 5 year term as commissioner on the Wayne County Housing Authority.