
IECC Holds August 2023 Meeting

By Tony Collins Aug 15, 2023 | 10:08 PM

The Board of Trustees of the IECC met Tuesday night, August 15th at Lincoln Trail College. The meeting began with a tour of the Crawford County Recreation Center that is under new construction.

During the meeting, the board approved the acceptance of an updated IECC Violence Prevention Plan and Emergency Response Plans for each of the four campuses. Board approval was given for minor clarifications and additions to the Meetings and Minutes policy.

The Board approved the 2023 Program Review Report and conducted a first reading of the First-Year Housing Policy.

The Board appointed Trustee Roger Browning and Trustee Jan Ridgely to serve on the Audit Committee that is charged with oversight of the District’s annual audit.

The Board approved the removal of the $15 LTC Natatorium Fee and the addition of an $80 per semester Recreation Center Fee for LTC students who enroll in 12 hours or more during
the fall or spring semesters effective in the Spring 2024 semester.

The Board approved a resolution authorizing and providing for an Installment Purchase Agreement for the purpose of paying the cost of improving District facilities, in and for the District, and for the issue of not to exceed $7,000,000 General Obligation Debt Certificates (Limited Tax) of the District evidencing the rights to payment under said Agreement, providing for the security for and means of payment under said Agreement of said Certificates, and authorizing the sale of said Certificates to the purchaser thereof. A tentative budget for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2023 was approved as presented.

The Board accepted the recommendation to move forward with a single 250kW PV system on the campus of OCC and authorize administration to take the Solar Array Proposal project as presented to bid.

Bid committee recommendations were approved for rejection of bids received from Akra Builders, Teutopolis, IL; Grunloh Construction, Inc., Effingham, IL; Johannes Construction, Inc., Centralia, IL; Senco Construction, Inc., Robinson, IL for the Theater Shop Addition at OCC due to 2
bids coming in over budget. Acceptance of the bid from Communications and Electrical Supplies for a total of $31,601 for 12 Fusion Splicer Kits for LTC. Acceptance of the bid from Pal Electric, Inc. for a total of $8,800 for the Electrical Service Upgrades Project at LTC. Acceptance of the bid from OneRoom, Inc. for a total of $317,702.76 for 6 Synchronous Learning Classrooms at FCC/LTC/OCC/WVC.

The following personnel were employed: Taylor Dahlberg, LTC Theater Director, Jessica Wells, OCC Academic Advisor, Cathy Ile, OCC Allied Health Program Facilitator, and Stephanie Doguet, Bookkeeper all effective August 21, 2023.

Changes in employment status were approved for Roger Eddy from Interim OCC President to temporary part-time position as Director of Special Initiatives, Jordan Higgason from Success Coach to College & Career Center Specialist, Brady Martin from TRIO Upward Bound Coordinator to WVC Academic Advisor, and Alani Frederick from Associate Dean of Nursing/Allied Health to Dean of Health Professions all effective August 21, 2023.

Under Personnel actions the Board approved a 6.2% wage increase for Academic Advisors, change in FLSA status from Non-Exempt (hourly) to Exempt (salary), and change all titles to Academic Advisor to make title consistent through the District.

Approval of proposed non-college employment was approved for Rob Mason at SIUC School of Physics & Applied Physics in Carbondale, IL for 300 hours per academic year.

Approval of educational level change for Doug Robb from MA +12 to MA +24 with a $1,000 per academic year increase in salary.

Resignation ratifications were approved for Jonathan Leach as Coordinator of Public Information & Marketing, WVC effective July 31, 2023 and Megan Hildebrand as TRIO Upward Bound Counselor, OCC effective August 2, 2023.

The next regular meeting of the Board of Trustees will be Tuesday, September 19, at 6:15 p.m. at Olney Central College.