
Clay County Hospital and Medical Clinics Announce November Employee of the Month

By Tony Collins Dec 4, 2023 | 9:40 PM

Clay County Hospital and Medical Clinics have announced their employee of the month for November. The employee of the month for November is Christy Brown. Brown was nominated for the honor by Nikki Quandt

In the notes left by Quandt, the community was recently hit with a series of traumatic events. Processing such events is difficult for everyone, but it’s especially difficult on children and teens. Christy Brown works as a therapist in the Junior High and High School. She was on the front-line at the schools providing support to the kids who needed to process the feelings and emotions that they were experiencing. Christy sat and listened to the kids while they were suffering a wide range of emotions, many of which were new and difficult for them to process. She often cried with the kids, as well as laughed as she helped them remember special memories of their friends. She was also a strong support to the faculty and staff as they navigated their way through the tragedy.

Christy had planned to be on PTO, but as soon as she heard of the accident, she put aside her own plans so that she could be at the school to support the kids, faculty and staff. She went home each night completely exhausted and overwhelmed but got up the next morning and did it all again because it was the right thing to do. It doesn’t take a tragedy for Christy to give 100% to her job, but it’s definitely a time that we need to celebrate her hard work and dedication. We are truly blessed to have Christy on the CCH team and therefore I believe she is deserving of recognition as our employee of the month.