The Norris City Village Board held its final meeting of 2023 for an hour and a half Monday night.
The board approved the village audit and will post it to the public. Also approved was the tax levy, which is up $11,214 from last fiscal year. The current contract to do business with Botch & Associates expires in April of 2024, so they decided to table approving a contract with them to try to shop around and see if they can get a better deal.
The board went into a 48 minute Executive Session at the very end of the meeting and unanimously approved a draft ordinance to solicit bids for the Wakeford property with a $50,000 minimum bid, to be opened at a special village board meeting on Wednesday, December 27th at 4 PM at the village hall. Dollar General bought the property with the title cured by the courts about two weeks ago. Since the property is included in the TIF district, prospective buyers must give a price and write up a report on its impact to the village. Bidders on the property also must submit a sales tax proposal and its impact. Also in the Executive Session, the board approved a 10% across the board raise in salaries for village employees based on the currently hourly rate, and they approved a $50 salary increase in the Animal Control position to $400.
In other items, the board to table Kelly Johnson’s request for a price adjustment for new awnings on their two buildings, until they can look into the matter further. And they tabled a request to close the alley on Gossett Road, which sits on two parcels of land owned by Gerald Rainey, until he writes a formal letter requesting the closing.
The propane gas tank on West Main Street, which was built in 1960, was inspected by the Fire Marshall, who found 11 different discrepancies with it, so the tank was taken away.
The village is again this year working with Wonder Market for Christmas coupons for needy residents to purchase food, which will be delivered by December 15th.
And the board donated $200 to Enfield Rehab.
In the Parks Report, Wayne McKenzie said there are four cameras recording at Boyd Park and have been up for about a month. Also the fence ordered for the playground was the wrong size, so they need to order a new one and install it sometime within the next week.
In the Police Report, for November, there were 16 reports written, one accident report, one arrest, 15 traffic stops and warnings, and three citations issued. The two officer trainees are on their way so Southwest Illinois College for power testing on Tuesday (today). Both have spots reserved in the academy beginning January 8th, and will graduate on April 6th.
There was no Animal Control report.
The board adjourned at 8:30 PM.
The next regular meeting of the Norris City Village board will be on Monday January 8th at 7 PM.