The Fairfield City Council meets this Tuesday night at 6 at City Hall for their next regular meeting, with four items listed on the official agenda.
They include presentation and discussion concerning the city’s Water Rate Study, an ordinance amending the code concerning Cemetery Fees, the appointment of a Water Filtration Leadperson, and an update concerning the Solar Eclipse and activities coming up in April.
Also Tuesday, the next meeting of the Illinois Eastern Community Colleges Board of Trustees will be held at Frontier Community College in Fairfield, in the Bob Boyles Hall, with the dinner at 5;30 p.m. and the meeting starting at 6:15.
Items included on their agenda is tuition waivers, Tuition and Fee Rates, the sale of real or personal property, two new 15 passenger vans for Wabash Valley College, and synchronous classrooms for the district, as well as various affiliation agreements.