
Grayville City Council Talks Eclipse and More During City Council Meeting.

By Tony Collins Feb 27, 2024 | 11:19 AM

Grayville leaders spent 30 minutes in executive session Monday night with no action concerning that half hour closed door discussion.  Prior to that, the treasurer’s report revealed the municipality has more than $3 million in assets including $200,000+ in cash available for operation.

Following executive session, council skipped over the first two old business items with no new developments on the vacated Pulaski Street easement and New Resident Attraction Program.

Attorney Jay Walden advised against the city making a donation to the White County Ambulance Service for the purchase of a drone stating statute.

Attorney Walden also advised against allowing the Grayville Athletic Association to utilize a street for a bucket brigade with a similar stance.

Council passed a second reading of an amendment to an ordinance which would potentially allow for profit businesses to obtain a special events liquor license.

There was some confusion over when bids were due for the seasonal mowing contracts.  Instead of awarding those agreements, council instead decided to table it until the March 11th meeting and to post that the city was taking bids on the City of Grayville facebook page.

Finally in Old Business, the city heard from Sherry Garcia with a request to block off downtown for the solar eclipse.  Commissioner Don Baldwin says he thinks the city is vastly underprepared for what’s coming.

In new business, council tabled a beautification request for funding that would be used for signage and landscaping at the depot.  Commissioners say they’ll figure it out, but they may not be able to use money out of the tourism portion of the budget for the improvements.  Council agreed to allow the Grayville Moose Lodge to utilize the park, shelter house, and restrooms for an Easter Egg Hunt scheduled for March 30th.  Finally, council agreed to up the fees at the campground moving daily rates from $15 to $20 and weekly rates from $80 to $100.