
2024 Edwards County 4H Poultry Show Results From Thursday

By Mark Wells Jul 26, 2024 | 11:56 AM

The Edwards County 4-H Poultry show was held on Thursday evening, July 25th.


In the white egg layers division, Liam McKinney showed the best of show rooster, Kierah Willett had the best of show hen, Matthew Bare had the best of show cockerel, and Kylar VanMatre had the best of show pullet.


In the colored egg layers, Emmet McKinney showed the best of show rooster and Brier Lynch the best of show hen, Emmet McKinney had the best of show cockerel and Brier Lynch had the best of show pullet.


In the fancy breeds division, Natalie Shelby showed the best of show rooster, Emmet McKinney had the best of show hen and the best of show cockerel. Natalie Shelby had the best of show pullet. Kylar VanMatre showed the best of show turkey. Diezel Toutloff had the best of show guinea. Oakley Sawyer best of show waterfowl, and Kylar VanMatre best of show game birds.


The best of show young pen and older pen went to Emmet McKinney. The barnyard special went to Matthew Bare. The Grand Champion Over All Breeds was shown by Emmet McKinney, Natalie Shelby received the Reserve Grand Champion Over All Breeds.


In the market class, Natalie Shelby was named Grand Champion and received a banner donated by Farm Credit Services of Illinois. Emmet McKinney was named Reserve Grand Champion.


One dozen eggs best of show went to Aleya Bare. Natalie Shelby won the Senior Showmanship class, which was judged on presentation and knowledge. She received a belt buckle donated by Farm Credit Services of Illinois. Cooper Lynch received the Junior Showmanship banner donated by Edwards County Farm Bureau Young Leaders. The Novice Showmanship Young Leaders banner went to Emmet McKinney.


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