The Fairfield High School Board of Education met for the regular monthy meeting last (Thursday) night in the FCHS Study Hall. The board approved all the items under the Consent Agenda and approved the payment of bills with the inclusion of the payment from Operations & Maintenance to Brownstown Electric in the amount of $1,050. The board approved to grant the request for the new School Medical Club and to accept the firm bid from Wabash Valley Service Company for fuel for FY26.
The board voted to approve the installation of New Haven Safety Film for $32,685.52 and to approve Baysinger Architects to perform a Site Survey for an upcoming ADA project and approved the 2025 – 2026 School Calendar, approve the progression to Teacher Ease for the District Financial Software at a cost of $8,000, approved Dartt & Company, LLC as the FY25 District Auditor. Motion carried with the only no vote from Matt Rush.
The board voted to re-hire Macie Clark as a long-term substitute and to employ Jenifer York as an English Teacher for the 2025 – 2026 school year. There was no action taken on the consideration/action on placing an addendum to the current Collective Bargaining Agreement
The cast and crew members of the upcoming performance of Shrek were present and spoke to the Board during last (Thursday) night’s meeting.