The Fairfield Community High School Board of Education met Thursday night.
The Board voted to approve the renewal of the IHSA membership for FY2026and to approve the renewal of the Catastrophic Insurance with Gallagher Student Health and Special Risk for FY2026 at a cost of $1,390. A motion was approved to purchase a used mini-bus from Midwest Transit for $89,955 beginning July 1st along with the purchase of Transfinder Bus Routing Software for $10,495 with a $1,000 down payment and balance due beginning July 1st.
In personnel matters, the Board voted to re-hire Macie Clark as a long-term substitute and to re-hire Tiffany Lyons as Principal for FY2026.
The Board accepted the revised retirement resignation of Nina Dunn and approved to re-hire first year teachers Kristi Anderson, Peyton Bates, Roberta Biggs, Hayden McDuffee, Jay Simpson and Mariah Vaughan and also to re-hire second year teachers Jon Lafikes and Chasity Suddarth and to re-hire and grant tenure to Cody Bailey, Shelby Benskin and Meghan Pearce.
Student Focus for the evening was from Mrs. Mariah Vaughan’s students from Computer Technology, Introduction to Computer Science and Game Design. Students Mason Hill, Jacob Maguire, RJ Jackson and Nora Oliver presented some of their classwork and projects to the school board. Mrs. Vaughan was also in attendance.