The Fairfield City Council met in regular session last (Tuesday) night at Fairfield City Hall and approved the minutes from the February 25th council meeting and executive session minutes from February 11th. They also approved the submitted bills after a roll call vote.
Mayor Moore presented a proclamation declaring March 9th through the 15th as Girl Scout Week, recognizing the 113th anniversary of Girl Scouts USA. He highlighted that Girl Scouts of Southern Illinois serves nearly 6,400 girls and engages 30,600 adult members across 40 counties.
The council recognized the New Hope Lady Panthers Basketball Team for their outstanding achievements. Mayor Moore presented a proclamation declaring March 11th as Lady Panther Day, celebrating their perfect 27-0 season and state championship victory. The team was also awarded the key to the city.
The council approved two street closing requests: one for the Fairfield High School prom on April 5th from 10am to 6pm; West Douglas Street, starting at 1st Street continuing to SW 4TH Street then back to West King Street in front of the High School and another for the Literacy Fest street event on May 3rd from 10am to 1pm for a portion of Market Avenue. They also approved a Recreational Fund Expenditure of $5,100 for upcoming events including the Easter Egg Hunt and 4th of July celebration.
In the financial report, Mayor Moore reported February expenses of $1,994,086 and revenues of $2,292,190, showing a positive income of $298,104. The year-to-date figures showed expenses of $16,527,394 and revenues of $16,464,952.
Mayor Moore concluded with updates on ongoing projects, including discussions about higher utility bills, continued work on the hotel development project with the developer who still wants to build the four-story Comfort Inn & Suites on the city’s west side, the lakeside project’s environmental studies, and potential plans for the power plant demolition in partnership with Lewis Scrap Yard in Bt. Prairie.