The Enfield Village Board held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday night.
The Village of Mill Shoals has proposed allowing Enfield to use their police vehicle in exchange for police coverage. The 2014 model vehicle, with 123,000 miles, is in excellent condition with several new parts and only requires a radio. The board agreed to draft a contract with Mill Shoals to use the vehicle for 13 months at a cost of $11,700—the equivalent of police service at $75 per hour for three hours each week. At the end of the period, the vehicle would become Enfield’s property. This agreement is contingent upon approval from the Mill Shoals Village Board at a special meeting. Currently, Enfield’s police vehicle requires a new catalytic converter.
The board unanimously approved rules for using the Enfield Community Center, finalized at last week’s special meeting. A $200 rental fee will be refunded if the facility is left in its original condition.
Springerton is set to renew its contract for police services.
Minor additions have been made to the Booth School building.
Work on street lighting is still ongoing.
Village Attorney Jonathan Turpin is revising the small business grant to ensure compliance with state law.
The village is awaiting a response from Brown & Roberts Engineering regarding the sewer grant.
Lemonds in Fairfield matched Expressway’s price for a new truck at $45,000. The vehicle has been ordered and is expected to be delivered in a couple of months.
The board decided to table payment of dispatch fees to White County again, as they are not due until June 1st.
Donations are being sought to purchase new Christmas lights for the village.
The board approved the sale of 20 acres behind the park at $6,000 per acre.
Andrew Inboden has resigned from the Utilities Department, and applications are being accepted for his replacement. The starting salary is $18 per hour.
The town-wide rummage sale is scheduled for May 17th, with village cleanup day set for May 31st.
Morgan Doggett presented a federal grant opportunity for new boilers at Booth School, which is expected to take approximately six months to secure.
Anyone interested in leasing space at Booth School this spring and summer can contact Tammy at the village building at 618-384-6060. The rental fee is $25 for indoor classroom spaces and $10 for outdoor spaces.
The board approved a payment of $13,820 to Attorney Jonathan Turpin for legal services rendered to the village.
In the Animal Control report, two dogs were picked up and efforts are being made to have them adopted.
In the Police Report, Chief Justin Titzer reported that law enforcement efforts have led to several successful cases being presented to the State’s Attorney’s office.
Additionally, the board agreed that village bills will now be paid online to avoid late fees.