
Wayne County Board Recap from 6/8

By Tony Collins Jun 9, 2023 | 7:06 AM

The Wayne County Board met for their monthly meeting last night with only 8 board members present.

County Highway Engineer, Dennis Seidel presented resolutions for board approval. An Engineering Agreement with Conner & Conner for a rail project in Leech Township. The project will involve placing crossing gates at the crossing and will be completed at no cost to the county. An Engineering Agreement with HLR for road work from Rt 15 north on Keenes Road for 3 miles. Seidel noted that the road is “cupping”, resulting in standing water during rain.

The board approved the re-appointment of Tom Taylor and Dr. Andrew Britt to serve a 3 year term on the Wayne County Health Dept.

Wayne County Sheriff Chris Otey reported that the new courtroom sound system should be installed within the next  2 weeks as well as the new chiller unit for the courthouse ac system. The sheriff reported that the jail was near capacity, with deputies making several recent drug arrests along with a major theft arrest.

Coroner Carrie Dagg informed the board that she had reached out to Will County regarding morgue equipment that they are not using since they constructed a new morgue. She will report back to the board with any new details.

Building & Grounds Committee reported that the courthouse project was going very smoothly, with no major issues encountered. New trim will be installed after the roof project is complete.

The board discussed the disposition of the Business Development Loan Program, with a more detailed action plan forthcoming.

A very brief Executive Session was held before adjournment.