
Fairfield Public School District Board Meets Tonight

By Tony Collins Jun 19, 2023 | 7:34 AM

The Fairfield Public School District will hold its June Session this evening in the board room at Center Street School at 6 PM.

The first part of the meeting involves a public hearing on the 2022-23 amended budget. They will also look at non-agenda items from citizens and then look to approve the minutes from the regular and closed session from June 15th.

Under financial reports, the board will look at the treasurer’s report, payroll, and monthly bills. Under the superintendents report, there will be a revenue to expense report, food service report, transportation report, the final reading on the fiscal year 24 student handbook changes, the setting of fiscal year 24 board meeting gates, look to abolish petty cash, look at setting fees for the fiscal year 24 school year, set up a food service interagency agreement, look at an intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, the first reading of the Press Policy 112, authorize the district to expend funds, look at employment history review checks, a school treasurer bond, hear from the school auditor, and discuss a joint annual conference

Under action items, the board will take action on the Fiscal year 24 handbook changes, board meeting dates, school fees, abolish petty cash, a food service interagency agreement, an intergovernmental agreement with the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services, authorize the district to expend funds, employment history review checks, a school treasurer bond, and a school auditor proposal.

The board will hear reports from the principals of North Side School and Center Street School as well as hear requests and reports from school board members. There is a closed session on the agenda and then the board will look act making some hires and accepting some resignations.