The Enfield Village Board met for their August session Tuesday Evening.
The board approved the final payment on the Water Project. They approved a pay estimate from Wiggs Excavating for about $36,000 and an engineering payment from Brown & Roberts for about $2,300. Work on the water project is almost finished.
The new street lights are in, it’s just a question of setting them up.
There have still not been any bids made on the property at 600 West Main Street.
The Police Department is now settling in and taking shape with Mark Wheeler as the full time Police Chief and Nathan Poore as part time patrolman.
There was a lengthy discussion on some burnt houses in the village as the board is looking at trying to help those affected.
The board decided to continue looking into a replacement for the Ford F250.
A resolution for the Mule Day Parade, which includes a banner and a donation for the parade, which is the same amount as last year, was approved.
The Norris City Library building is closing down due to the closure of Booth School, but they will deliver books to those who request them.
In the Police report for July, Chief Wheeler said there were 34 permits issued for golf carts, several verbal warnings on ATV’s, some speeding citations, and two arrests were made. Wheeler said electric bicycles are legal to ride on streets in Illinois as long they are without modifications.
The park is cleaned up.
Finally, the board went into a 50 minute Executive Session to discuss litigation with no action taken.
The board adjourned at 8:45 PM.